six-figure pet sitting business

Six-Figure Pet Sitting 2014 Book Photo Contest Starts TODAY! Win Big Prizes!

2013 First Place Photo Winner Submitted by Cindy Chain Johnson of Bed and Biscuit Pet Care in San Antonio, Texas


The 2nd Annual Six-Figure Pet Sitting Book Photo Contest is back! 🙂

Here’s how it works (it’s easy):

1. Take a picture of your pet(s) with either on of the books Six-Figure Pet Sitting or Six-Figure Pet Business

2. Post your picture on our Six-Figure Pet Sitting Academy Facebook page or email it to me.

We’ll be picking the winners in June so submit your photo between now and May 31, 2014.



Six-Figure Pet Sitting 2014 Book Photo Contest Starts TODAY! Win Big Prizes! Read More »

Technology Fast for Pet Sitters and Dog Walkers

I’m heading off on a fasting/raw food retreat for a few weeks….

I enjoy doing a cleanse for my body once a year. It’s been two years so I’m long overdue here!

I may be checking in on Facebook a couple of times while I’m away (but then again maybe not…we’ll see).

Taking time away from technology is important from time to time…especially for us business owners who are on technology day and night. I believe taking technology “fasts” are crucial for my well-being.

Many of you coaching clients of mine and webinar attendees have heard me talk about putting my computer in the closet when it’s not in use. There’s something about tucking the computer out of sight that is necessary and crucial to my well-being. Being on the computer can be addictive!

Do you take pockets of time away from your computer? Can you designate at least 24 hours to do a technology fast? To not check your email or Facebook every few weeks for at least 24 hours? I highly recommend it. 🙂

I know I won’t be checking email for a few weeks while I’m gone for a few weeks and I’ll be back in action the week of July 8.

I look forward to connecting with you when I return.

Happy 4th of July everyone!


PS-This picture of Chelsea the Cat and my Facebook page was taken by Mary Oberdier of Chase’N Tails Pet Care in Florida. Thanks, Mary, for this fun photo! 🙂



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Vote for your favorite photo! (Poll ends on May 22)

Thank you, pet sitters, for submitting your wonderful pictures to the photo contest!

I’m amazed by your creativity and playfulness. It was so fun to have your pictures coming rolling in on the Six-Figure Pet Sitting Facebook page!

Votes will be taken for best picture until midnight on May 22 so get your votes in for your top 3 favorite pictures. Click to see the pictures and to vote on your favorite Six-Figure Pet Sitting book photo now.



Vote for your favorite photo! (Poll ends on May 22) Read More »

Six-Figure Pet Sitting Book Review from

petsitting_cover_lowres_12.22Another review for my book, Six-Figure Pet Sitting.

Thank you, Therese Kopiwoda of for the lovely book review. 🙂

Here it is:

Six-Figure Pet Sitting: Catapult Your Pet Sitting Business to Unlimited Success by Kristin Morrison of Six-Figure Pet Sitting Academy, covers a wide range of topics to help pet sitters create a successful business. This includes writing a business plan, managing finances, organization techniques, marketing, hiring employees, customer service, and other subjects essential to operating a business. Where Six Figure Pet Sitting differs from other books geared to the pet sitting industry though, is that Kristin also stresses the personal and emotional aspects of operating a business.

In her book, Kristin asks people to dig deep and think about their goals, desires, and aspirations in order to create a business that works for them. Through years of working with professional pet sitters, she has developed exercises to help her clients define the what, how, and why of what they envision as a successful business – as well as a successful personal life. Once they are clear what that means, and what their goals are, she helps them put it all together to create a plan that will enable them to achieve those goals. She essentially takes an all encompassing approach to helping her clients, and her readers, create a better life.

Kristin includes some of the exercises she uses with her coaching clients in her book. Some of them are in the form of action steps such as organizing your office, setting up your bookkeeping, writing a marketing letter, etc. Others are more introspective, and require you to list your successes, failures, shortcomings, what you’d like to accomplish, etc. in your business and personal life. They will require some thought, and will likely challenge you. But if you go through the action steps and exercises as she suggests, you will get a clearer idea of what you want and how to get there.

The goal of Six Figure Pet Sitting isn’t just to help people create a successful pet sitting business – although that certainly is one goal. The bigger goal is to help people create a fulfilling life by building a business doing what they love. I highly recommend it to all pet sitters, regardless of how long you’ve been in business. In fact, even though I’ve owned my own business since 2001, her advice has me changing the way I do some things. And, I might add,  it’s all for the better. Thank You, Kristin!”

Thanks again, Therese of PetSit USA. It’s reviews like this that make all of those nights and weekends I spent writing the book completely worth it! 🙂

And for those of you who are interested in getting the book, it’s available in printed format on Amazon or in eBook format on my website.

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Six-Figure Pet Sitting Book

Chelsea 003

I got this email and picture today from Mary O. who purchased my book Six-Figure Pet Sitting a couple of months ago.

Here’s what she writes:

“I had my book on my bed and my cat Chelsea decided she liked it too! Must be a good sign.”


Thanks, Chelsea, for the two paws up!

And for you humans out there: You can purchase Six-Figure Pet Sitting in printed book format on Amazon or in you can purchase in eBook format for immediate download.

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First VIDEO review of “Six-Figure Pet Sitting”

Just got the first VIDEO review of my book Six-Figure Pet Sitting and I wanted to share it with you!

Here it is:

And for those of you who haven’t yet read my book…

Six-Figure Pet Sitting is available in eBook format: Six-Figure Pet Sitting.

And it’s also available in printed format on Amazon: Six-Figure Pet Sitting book.

First VIDEO review of “Six-Figure Pet Sitting” Read More »

Six-Figure Pet Sitting: The Book


I’m one of those people that is a bit old-fashioned when it comes to books.

I know, I know, Kindle is the hottest rage and I will admit it would be nice not to be lugging 50 pounds of books around with me on this trip that I’m currently on.

But, for me, there is something about holding a book in my hands that makes me very, very happy.

Which makes me also happy to announce that, in addition my book being available in eBook format, Six-Figure Pet Sitting: Catapult Your Pet Sitting Business to Unlimited Success book is now available in printed format through Amazon.


You can do the writing exercises in the book. You can fold down the corner of the pages that you want to come back to next time you pick up the book (I won’t tell anyone).

And for those of you high tech pet sitters who want to read the Six-Figure Pet Sitting book on your smart phone and Kindle–it will be available for purchase in those formats soon too.

Enjoy and happy pet sitting!

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Pet Sitting Business Book!



The business book for pet sitters is now available for preorder.

Two years ago I began writing this book.

Then I decided to go on my trip to India and Bali so I put the writing of the book on hold.

I came back from my trip clear that I wanted to finish the book before I left on my next sabbatical (my next trip will be for four months and I’ll be leaving in February 2011–more to come about that trip in a future blog post!)

My business book for pet sitters was about 85% complete but I was having a hard time completing the final 15% of my book.

Have you ever climbed a really steep mountain and experienced that last little bit of hiking to be the hardest part?

That was what I was going through with the book.

Anyway, I told my business coaching (yes, I have a business coach!) about my fits and starts around completing the book. She gave me a firm talking to about my book that was (metaphorically speaking) sitting in the corner and not getting enough regular attention from me.

She asked me what it would take to finish it. I told her I needed weekly and perhaps daily support around completing it.

She suggested I get a writing coach and so I did. Within 3 weeks of hiring my writing coach the book was nearly complete!

Amazing what happens when we business owners (and writers) get support, eh?

We are now doing final editing of the book and will be laying the book out in a beautiful and easy-to-read ebook format. The ebook will be ready in December.

I’m so excited to share my secrets for pet sitting business success with all of you pet sitters. This book is a culmination of the knowledge I have gained in my 15+ years of owning and running my large pet sitting company as well as the many years I have coached pet sitters to business success.

Many of you have already preordered the book–if you have ordered your ebook you can be assured that you will receive your copy hot off the press in December!

If you haven’t yet ordered the book and you’d like to: you can preorder the book now and save $5 by going to this page: Six-Figure Pet Sitting Book.

(Please note the $5 off special is only good through November 2010.)

Wishing you much pet sitting business success!

Pet Sitting Business Book! Read More »