Teleclass: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 at 5:00pm PST / 8:00pm EST
Click here to sign up now for the “Get Pet Sitting Clients NOW: Marketing that Works” teleclass.
Marketing. It’s a word that often causes business owners to groan.
There are so many advertising options and a lot of those options are expensive. Google ad words. Pay-per-Click Advertising (also called PPC). Pet sitting directories. Online Yellow Page advertising. The list goes on and on of possible marketing options available to pet sitters.
What really works though?
What marketing actions do you really need to take to have your business phone ring with new client calls month after month?
Whether you are new to pet sitting or have been pet sitting for years, you will learn exactly what you need to do to get your phone to ring!
On this powerful upcoming teleclass you will learn:
* What is an absolute must when it comes to online advertising
* Why adding a couple of words in your business name will dramatically increase the amount of business you can get
* Top 5 inexpensive advertising options that will generate results for your business.
* Simple steps to increase your search engine ranking on Google
* Free marketing strategies that will rocket you to success
* Why making one (little) change will make all the difference
* Inexpensive advertising solutions that cause your phone to ring
* And much more!
You will come away with:
* A marketing strategy that you are excited to implement immediately
* A list of 75 FREE websites to market your pet sitting business online
* A clear knowing of what marketing works and what doesn’t
* Inexpensive ideas, tips and tools to launch your new or existing
pet sitting business to success
Details and FAQ about the “Get Pet Sitting Clients NOW: Marketing that Works” Teleclass:
When? Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Time: 5:00pm PST / 8:00pm EST
How long is this teleclass? 60 minutes (there will be time for Q & A from the audience)
How Much? $20 (register by June 15) / $30 (restister June 16 or later)
How: Conference Call instructions will be given upon sign-up!
Okay, this sounds great! How do I sign up? It’s easy! Just click to sign up now for the Get Pet Sitting Clients NOW: Marketing that Works teleclass page.