Pet Business Marketing

Six-Figure Pet Business book: for dog trainers, pet groomers, doggy day care owners

6FigPetBus_coverEver since I published my book “Six-Figure Pet Sitting”, I’ve been asked by various dog trainers, dog and cat groomers, and doggie day care owners about when I would be writing a book for them to create six-figure success.

Ask and you shall receive!

I’ve recently completed my book that is especially for those who train dogs, groom pets, and run a doggie day care.

It’s called: Six-Figure Pet Business: Unleash the Potential in Your Dog Training, Pet Grooming, and Doggy Daycare Business.

I’m happy to say, it’s getting rave reviews from various dog training and pet grooming associations.

Here is one of the most recent reviews for Six-Figure Pet Business from Martin Deeley, Executive Director of International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP):

“As an ex-management lecturer and business consultant I can tell you Six-Figure Pet Business is a first class piece of advice/book for all wishing to start in the pet business.

What I enjoyed about Six-Figure Pet Business was it was simple to understand and broke down all the different barriers to starting and running your own pet business in a way that has you saying – “I can do that!”

It was written in a way that not only explained clearly what to do but also was also enjoyable to read and learn from. The important points at the end of each chapter assists in reinforcing what is read and really pinches home what needs to be done. Even though I have been in the pet business for many years there was so much in this book that got me thinking – ‘yup, I must start doing that’ or ‘I must start doing that again’.

For those wanting to start their own <dog training, dog grooming, doggy day care> business this is essential reading. For those already in business it is a reminder of what we should still be doing or should do, to build success.

I will definitely be recommending Six-Figure Pet Business to all wishing to start their own pet business and those already in it.”

If you are a dog trainer, dog and cat groomer, or doggie day care owner who would like to purchase Six-Figure Pet Business in eBook or printed format, you can find the book for sale on my newest website for those in the pet business industry.

Six-Figure Pet Business book: for dog trainers, pet groomers, doggy day care owners Read More »

Hello from Coach Kristin

About 3 years ago a friend invited me to do an exercise which involved imagining that I had six months left to live and what I would do with my life in those last six months.

Before I did the exercise I assumed that if I had six months left to live I would spend my last six months with my loved ones. Duh. It was a no brainer.

But still I did the exercise and was very surprised to see, in my mind’s eye, the image of me wearing a travel backpack and a big smile on my face.

It shocked me.

Is that really how I would spend my last six months on this planet?! Exploring it? What about my loved ones?!

In spite of the inner questioning I let that image sit with me for a few weeks and I could feel that, indeed, travel with a backpack was a heart’s desire of mine. A heart’s desire that was not being fulfilled.

It was hard to imagine leaving my business (and my life) for a few months. However, I knew that was what I had to do otherwise this heart’s desire that was clearly expressing itself to me would act out negatively in my business (and my life).

It’s been my experience that when we know that we have a heart’s desire and we aren’t taking active steps to make that desire happen, the ‘not taking action’ affects every area of our life, including our business.

It’s not pretty when that happens.

So 2 years ago I began to plan a 2.5 month trip for 2010. I had a lot of fear about leaving my pet sitting business even though my managers are so very competent and amazing. I knew my business would be in good hands but still I had the fear.

I’m so aware that the real goodies in business and life come from feeling the fear and doing it anyway.

Knowing that didn’t ease the fear though!

But still I took the actions to make the trip happen. I went on my trip and I had an incredible time and everything went well in the business. I even extended my time for an extra month.

When I got back last year I knew I wanted to do it again. This time for 5 months.

So here I am!

I’m in Bali writing this to you now. I’ve been traveling for nearly 4 months and have 5 weeks left.

It’s been an incredible journey.

I’ve been doing a little work while I’m traveling: I’m writing my second book for pet sitters and dog walkers. I’m planning on having my second book available in December 2011. More later!

I will be offering coaching sessions again in early August and will be offering a teleclass in August as well.

In future blog posts I will be including some tips to getting to your own heart’s desire and how your business can support.

Wishing you a wonderful month of June. 🙂

Kristin Morrison
Founder, Six-Figure Pet Sitting Academy

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Want to Save Money and Get More Pet Sitting Clients?


Teleclass: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 at 5:00pm PST / 8:00pm EST
Click here to sign up now for the “Get Pet Sitting Clients NOW: Marketing that Works” teleclass.

Marketing. It’s a word that often causes business owners to groan.

There are so many advertising options and a lot of those options are expensive. Google ad words. Pay-per-Click Advertising (also called PPC). Pet sitting directories. Online Yellow Page advertising. The list goes on and on of possible marketing options available to pet sitters.

What really works though?

What marketing actions do you really need to take to have your business phone ring with new client calls month after month?

Whether you are new to pet sitting or have been pet sitting for years, you will learn exactly what you need to do to get your phone to ring!

On this powerful upcoming teleclass you will learn:

* What is an absolute must when it comes to online advertising
* Why adding a couple of words in your business name will dramatically increase the amount of business you can get
* Top 5 inexpensive advertising options that will generate results for your business.
* Simple steps to increase your search engine ranking on Google
* Free marketing strategies that will rocket you to success
* Why making one (little) change will make all the difference
* Inexpensive advertising solutions that cause your phone to ring
* And much more!

You will come away with:

* A marketing strategy that you are excited to implement immediately
* A list of 75 FREE websites to market your pet sitting business online
* A clear knowing of what marketing works and what doesn’t
* Inexpensive ideas, tips and tools to launch your new or existing
pet sitting business to success

Details and FAQ about the “Get Pet Sitting Clients NOW: Marketing that Works” Teleclass:

When? Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Time: 5:00pm PST / 8:00pm EST

How long is this teleclass? 60 minutes (there will be time for Q & A from the audience)

How Much? $20 (register by June 15) / $30 (restister June 16 or later)

How: Conference Call instructions will be given upon sign-up!

Okay, this sounds great! How do I sign up? It’s easy! Just click to sign up now for the Get Pet Sitting Clients NOW: Marketing that Works teleclass page.

Want to Save Money and Get More Pet Sitting Clients? Read More »

Hello from Coach Kristin (still on my travels!)

Hello dear pet sitters,

When I was planning my trip I had anticipated writing many Six-Figure blog posts and keeping all of you in the loop about my traveling adventures.

Once I started my travels I quickly realized that the purpose of this trip, for me, was to not be tapped into work at all except for the brief emails with my managers who are running the pet sitting portion of my business.

I’m definitely looking forward to diving into work when I return to America: taking over the reins of my pet sitting company from my managers who have done such a good job managing in my absence, scheduling one-on-one coaching sessions, facilitating my group teleclasses and working on and completing my book for pet sitters.

But for now…I’m in Bali and really enjoying taking cooking classes, learning Indonesian from a local man, and meeting many other local Balinese and fellow travelers.

Just wanted to check in and let you know that I’m looking forward to working with you again when I return. I’ll post the exact date I’ll be back in action on this blog in a couple of weeks.

Happy pet sitting,

Hello from Coach Kristin (still on my travels!) Read More »

Unplugged and Unleashed!

Hello pet sitters!

I’m sitting at an Internet cafe in India and just wanted to check in.
I’ve been away for three weeks now: first in Bali and then a week ago I arrived in India.

This has been an incredible (and in some ways life-changing) trip so far and I still have 7 weeks that I’ll be traveling.

I met some incredible local people in Bali who really took me under their wings and invited me to temple ceremonies and to share meals together. Meeting these wonderful local people helped me really immerse myself in Balinese local culture in a way that I never anticipated.

The inner and outer beauty of the Balinese people was lovely to experience. The natural beauty and lushness of Bali was also a real gift.

I’ll be heading back there in 4 weeks to experience 3 more weeks there before I head home in April. I’m thrilled to go back to Bali as, in some ways, it feels like ‘home’.

India…is another story.

I arrived in Pune, India a week ago and there was a bombing at a restaurant that I was considering going to the same night it was bombed.

Instead of going to the restaurant I chose to meditate in the ashram I was staying at.

Had I been in the restaurant I would have been either injured or killed as everyone who was there experienced some type of injury.

The last count, according to the media reports, was that 11 people were killed and 60 people were injured. Everyone who survived the blast lost all or partial hearing in the bomb blast plus many other injuries.

I’ve never come this close to major injury or death and having this experience has helped me get in touch with, on a deeper level than ever, what is really important in this life.

I’ll be leaving Pune tomorrow and going to a beach town south of Pune (13 hours train ride from Pune).

Relaxing near the water after all the activity of Indian police and Indian army, not to mentioned the frayed nerves of the tourists and locals, will be a good thing!

On a lighter note, I have noticed how challenging it is for me NOT to go online on a daily basis. Even though I have not done any Six-Figure blogging or any work-related Internet activities, I have done A LOT of personal emails and personal Facebook checking while I’ve been away.

I’ve been exploring what it is like to not log on for one day and let me tell you: it is challenging.

So my next edge is to try not log on for a couple of days at a time.

It’s harder than it sounds! I encourage you to try it.

I notice even though not logging on for a day is challenging I feel so much more involved in life when I’m not logging on for 24 hours at a time.

Even today, I’ve somehow managed to be online for nearly 2 hours! 2 hours that could best be spent exploring this city that I won’t be in for much longer.

And on a final note:

Though I deeply love my work (working with all of you is SUCH a gift as is running my pet sitting business) I’m experiencing how deeply restorative it is to my soul it is to not work for a long period of time.

I wish you all a wonderful rest of February. I may or may not check in again in March.

If not, I’ll be back in action in April when I return from my travels!

Take good care,

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January Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Business Tips


It’s usually pretty slow in the pet sitting industry in January. After the hustle and bustle of the holidays that have just passed this can be welcome relief. For others you may be wishing/needing new business now to keep up with expenses that ocurred over the holidays.

No matter where you are: busy or not busy, glad it’s slow, not glad it’s slow, there are some very specific tasks that you can and should do this month to insure business success all year long.

Here they are:

1) Pay your Q4 2009 estimated tax payment by January 15 for both State and Federal taxes. It’s important to get in the habit of keeping current with taxes for each calendar year or you will be faced with hefty penalties and interest if you have not paid enough for 2009 taxes.

2) Begin to set aside money now for your Q1 2010 estimated tax payment that will be due by April 15, 2010. How do you do this? Put an envelope on a bulletin board in your office. Get in the habit of putting a minimum of 10% of whatever total from checks that you receive into that envelope. Next create a tax savings account and every month deposit that money into your tax savings account so when it comes time to pay your quarterly payments you will be breathing easy because guess what? You have the money.

3) Place an ad for staff now and spend leisurely time hiring the perfect staff members. This time of year is the best time to hire people–you are not in a hurry and probably don’t desperately need staff members the way you did, say, over the holidays. You want to hire people when you don’t need them. That way they will be ready to go when you do get busy and your judgment will not be impaired by an intensity of need to fill particular pet sitting jobs.

4) Get those 1099s out in the mail to your staff by January 29, 2010. The government will charge you $50 for each and every 1099 that is not sent out by the end of January.

Next make sure to send your information to the government no later than the end of February or same thing: you will be charged $50 for every 1099 that is received by the government after the end of February. Ouch!

5) Write your goals for this month and for the New Year. Setting goals is one of the most powerful actions you can take in your business. It sounds simple, right? It is. The simple act of writing your goals will help you take actions that will enable you to create what you want this year.

I did it last year at this time as I do every year. But last year I wrote:

I will go on a two month trip in 2010.

I saw that goal there day after day on my bulletin board (it’s very important to post your goals where you can see them) and I began to take big and little actions to support that vision.

A year ago taking this trip was just a pipe dream.

Six months ago I started seriously considering it.

And now I’m going.

You can read more about setting and achieving business goals in my goal setting for pet sitters blog post below.

6) Take the word ‘recession’ out of your vocabulary. That’s right. I know…you turn on the news and it’s recession this and recession that but STOP. Don’t allow yourself to go there or engage in conversations that take you into a downward spiral about the economy.

I can tell you this: for myself and those pet sitting clients that I drilled this into last year: we all had the best year ever!

In a supposed recession.

Why? Because we refused to engage in the conversation of the recession and instead focused on what tasks needed to be done in order to succeed in our businesses.

YOU can have a financially successful year no matter what the media says.

Here’s how: turn off your TV when negative economic news comes on, let friends and family know that you are committed to having the best financial year ever and that you don’t want to talk about a poor economy, when you do get discouraged remember that there are hundreds of other pet sitters across the country who had the BEST YEAR ever in 2009 and that you can create that experience for yourself this year.

Happy 2010 everyone!

January Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Business Tips Read More »

How to Create a 3-Day Pet Sitting Workweek Teleclass: January 6, 2010


This will be my last teleclass before I head out for my 2-month trip around the world until April 2010.

I’m a business coach who practices what I preach and I’m offering this teleclass to share my secrets with all of you wonderful pet sitters before departing for my traveling adventure.

This teleclass will truly change your life by profoundly transforming the way you relate to your work and your work schedule! You will come away excited and ready to create a work schedule that is beyond your wildest dreams (while being firmly rooted in reality).

Most pet sitters think that they have to work long and hard hours to create a successful and profitable business. If you are one of them you are not alone.

I thought that I had to work countless hours to make a lot of money until the year I began running my business in a completely different way.

In one year I began transforming my relationship with my business and the way I ran my business. To my surprise and amazement my profits began to rise even though I was working much, much less! It didn’t make sense at first (in fact it blew my mind a bit!) but then it completely made sense.

In less than one year, I went from working 12-14 hours a day, 7 days a week to working three 8-hour days a week.

If you have an established business and responsible staff members that you trust, you can too!

All it takes is some out-of-the box thinking and a willingness to try some new ways of running your company that I will outline in this teleclass so that you can create the schedule that works best for you in 2010.

Whether you want to take one day off a week, weekends off, or create a 3-day workweek like I created, it’s up to you. I will tell you how to do it and outline the step-by-step method necessary to create time off.

Click here to find out more and to sign up for the How to Create a 3-Day Pet Sitting Workweek Teleclass.

How to Create a 3-Day Pet Sitting Workweek Teleclass: January 6, 2010 Read More »

ASK ANYTHING! Pet Sitting Biz Q & A with Six-Figure Pet Sitting Academy Founder


Save $10 if you sign up by Tuesday, November 3!

Date: Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Time: 5:00pm PST / 8:00pm EST

How does class take place? Via a conference call line. Call-in instructions will be given upon signup.

How long is this teleclass? 60 minutes of open forum for questions and answers!

How much: $20 (register by November 3) $30 (register November 4 or later)

Class description: In this 60-minute dynamic and interactive open forum, the first 10 pet sitters and dog walkers who sign up will have the opportunity to ask Coach Kristin their most challenging pet sitting questions. If there is time left over then Kristin will open up the line for additional ‘impromptu’ questions.

If your question relates to business or pet sitting-you can ask it! As a pet sitting business owner you are guaranteed to find this Q & A session with Coach Kristin compelling, supportive, and ultra-informative.

How do I get my question answered: The first 10 pet sitters who sign up will be contacted via email about their question and will be instructed on when to ask their question. If you are not contacted within 72 hours of signing up for the class it means you are not one of the first 10 callers. You will still receive valuable business information when you listen and learn from others having their questions answered.

Limited spots available so reserve your spot TODAY!
Click here to find out more and to sign up for the ASK ANYTHING! Pet Sitting Business Q & A Teleclass with the founder of Six-Figure Pet Sitting Academy.

ASK ANYTHING! Pet Sitting Biz Q & A with Six-Figure Pet Sitting Academy Founder Read More »

5 Inexpensive Pet Sitting Business Marketing Tips

facebook-smallHere are 5 inexpensive marketing ideas to generate more business this month:

  1. Target pet-friendly apartment complexes to go for volume of potential clients: introduce yourself and your business to building managers and ask if they have a ‘welcome packet for new tenants’ that you can add your business cards to.
  2. Advertise on Craigslist: Craigslist comes up high on the search engines and potential clients DO look on Craigslist for pet sitters! Include a picture of you with pets as well as your business logo and a link to your website.
  3. Commit to doing one marketing action a day: drop off business cards while you are running errands, keep a list of clients who have called you in the past but not used you yet and ‘cold call’ them to let them know you are offering a special of one free walk or visit in exchange for the purchase of four walks or visits this month, answer your phone directly at least 20 times per day so you can avoid potential new client hang ups as a result of their getting your voicemail.
  4. Do some direct marketing: contact your city hall or local humane society to get dog license names and addresses: send inexpensive but professional postcards from Vista Print which advertise your pet sitting or dog walking service.
  5. Easily and effortlessly market your business to the masses on Facebook: sign up for the Six-Figure Pet Sitting Academy’s teleclass: Facebook Teleclass: Secrets to Marketing your Business on Facebook on Tuesday, September 22 at 5:00pm PST / 8:00pm EST. (Only $20 if you register by Tuesday, September 15 so sign up NOW!)

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Coaching for Pet Sitters


In just one complete Search Engine Optimization (SEO) session I will give you the keywords you need to put on your website and tell you exactly where you need to put those keywords plus other important SEO tips that will shoot you to the first page (and often number 1 or number 2) on search engines! You simply relay what I’ve told you to your web person and have your web person enter the information that was discussed in your session.

It’s that easy!

Tired of spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on advertising that doesn’t yield powerful results when it comes to increasing your pet sitting client base?

For the month of September ONLY  I am offering $30 off a complete SEO session ($165 instead of the regular price of $195). You must schedule your session before September 30, 2009 to take advantage of this special offer.

What is also included in your Search Engine Optimization Session:

  • How and where to list your business on Google, MSN and Yahoo
  • 25 FREE websites to link your business website on.
  • Secrets to getting higher on Google Maps and other sites
  • The top 5 pet sitting directories that will generate pet sitting clients
  • What you absolutely need to have on your website for top SEO
  • What you can do to maintain high ranking on the search engines
  • Additional tips and tools to skyrocket above your competitors

Call 616-712-1426 to set up your session or email Coach Kristin at:

Ready to have more clients find you online?

Click here to find out more and to sign up for your complete Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for pet sitters coaching session today.

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