I’m so excited.
I’m leading a special teleclass just for the Georgia Network of Professional Petsitters (GNPP) on Thursday, November 10 at 7:30pm EST.
I love, love, love the GNPP.
In the past few years, I’ve coached many GNPP members.
My experience of the GNPP through the one-on-one pet sitting business coaching for pet sitters that I have done has been that the pet sitters who are a part of this wonderful organization are committed to harmonious collaboration via their supportive network of pet sitters.
It’s such a beautiful thing…
And it’s a rare thing, this harmonious collaboration and referral network of pet sitters.
But it doesn’t have to be!
Here’s the dirt about pet sitters: owning a business can sometimes bring up people’s (ahem) territorial natures and lead to people being transported to a dog-eat-dog world or becoming catty with one another on a business level.
Sorry for the pet metaphors but they are appropriate here, don’t you think? I’m sure you’ve experienced this on some level yourself.
I’ve experienced it in the form of other pet sitting business owners taking down my pet sitting business cards and flyers from bulletin boards and placing their own where mine used to be and oh-my! The feelings that has brought up for me are not pretty.
No sirrie.
I’ve witnessed the effects of that territorial behavior through other pet sitters that I’ve coached: “I can’t believe she put her cards where mine used to be!” “I can’t believe he told a client that I was not a good pet sitter.”
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
We don’t have to become territorial and pee to mark our spot.
Oh Lord. Did I really just use the word ‘pee’ in a blog post?
Yep. I really did. That’s a first (and maybe a last).
We don’t have to become jerks to other pet sitters to sell our service. We don’t have to put other pet sitters down or take down their advertising material.
The Georgia Network of Professional Pet Sitters proves that harmony amongst pet sitters does exist. And I’m sure there are other networks out there that prove that also. Let me know if you are a part of a great pet sitting networking group–I’d love to offer your pet sitting network a special teleclass as a thank you for contributing to pet sitting peace!
Here’s the thing: there are enough pets to go around.
There are.
Think about how many plumbers there are. Or gardeners. Or housecleaners.
Most people have toilets (thank God). And gardens. And places to sleep at night (also thank God).
And a lot of people need people to help them with those things.
And most people have pets. So there is enough work to go around, folks.
Here’s the thing: clients are going to like YOU.
Your unique energy.
And even if your business is big like mine and you don’t do the actual work of pet sitting anymore, they are going to like the energy of your business.
That energy gets conveyed through your logo, your website, and other marketing materials so take time to create materials that reflect you and the feeling-tone that you want your business to convey. Your energy comes through loud and clear by your message that’s on your business voicemail or the smile or frown you wear when you are answering the phone. It comes through in your helpful (or not) nature when clients call to book service.
And if clients don’t like your energy or the energy that your business conveys?
They are not your right clients.
Your clients will be drawn to YOU and your business. And your competitors clients will be drawn to them.
It’s simple really.
And for those of you who live in Georgia- I encourage you to check out the Georgia Network of Professional Petsitters. And for those of you who are already members: ‘see’ you on Thursday’s call.