Catapult Your Pet Sitting Business to Success… Now!
A. It's for both those who new to the business and those who have been in business for many years. There have been a lot of 20+ year pet business owners who attended a prior 30-Day Challenge and they got so much out of it they decided to attend yet another 30-Day Challenge!
If you have been in business for many years please be aware that some of the day's actions will not be applicable but you can take another kind of business action on that day that would benefit you and your pet business.
A. This online class happens through a private Facebook group created just for those who are signed up for the 30-Day Challenge! You get to decide each day what time to view the daily class videos and do that day’s action steps.
A. Yes, and you may even get more from the Challenge the second time around! Signing up again can be especially beneficial if you signed up for a prior Challenge and weren't able to complete all the action steps each day, didn't get a "business buddy" or had to miss some Challenge days due to getting sick, traveling or just life happening!
Some pet business owners may experience getting even more the next time around because they know now what most needs their attention and can dive into those specific days' topics with help from Kristin and the group. Also, each group is different and though you'll definitely see some familiar faces in the next Challenge, you'll also get to know new group members which can lead you to a fresh, dynamic and ever-changing experience. Each 30-Day Challenge has it's own private Facebook group too.
A. Each daily video will be posted before 9am Pacific each day, or in some instances, the video will be posted the night before that day’s Challenge. All action steps are listed in daily order in the back of the 30 Days to Start and Grow Your Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Business book so you can check there if you want to look ahead to see what’s coming. You get to decide each day what time to view the daily class videos and do that day’s action steps and you’ll also have a lot of support and accountability to guide you.
A. Because it’s a fun, interactive, engaging and supportive path to achieve your pet business goals in 2020! Being a part of this group will help you hit the ground running in the new year.
This Challenge is designed within a specific container of time, tasks, and support to strengthen your accountability, focus, and determination - and to turn your business goals into reality.
When you do the tasks outlined in the Challenge and show up for it fully, your business challenges will become opportunities for powerful business growth. At the end of the 30 days you likely will find your mindset has improved also.
When you complete the daily action steps, it takes your business goal list from something in your computer or on paper into an actionable plan with tangible results. You’ll also have the support of success-oriented pet business owners from around the world to hold your hand through the process. If you do all (or even most) of the tasks outlined in the course and the book, you’re likely to see a big difference in your pet business (and your mental outlook) by the end of the course, and in the months following the course.
A. You will need to be on Facebook in order to participate in this Challenge. The Facebook group is the "hub" where this all takes place –the daily videos will be posted there, you’ll be able to request a business buddy within the private Facebook group and the group format will hold you accountable. If you are opposed to being on Facebook but you want to participate in the Challenge, you can always join Facebook and cancel Facebook after the 30-Day Challenge is over!
A. You will receive an invitation to the 30-Day Challenge Facebook group a few weeks before the Challenge begins. You’ll be able to begin posting in the Facebook group a few days before the class starts on January 30, 2023.
A. YES, definitely! Though the title of the book and the challenge has pet sitters and dog walkers in it, it’s really for any service-based pet business owner who wants to either start their pet business or exponentially grow their existing business.
Many of the examples and action steps in the Challenge are directed toward pet sitters and dog walkers, but most are transferable to all service-based pet business owners.
A. Good for you for committing to yourself and your business by signing up now!
If you don’t already have the book 30 Days to Start and Grow Your Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Business, you’ll want to get it and read the introduction and "My Story". If you want to read more (and even the whole book) before the Challenge starts, you’re welcome to do that. The book is available in three formats: paperback, audiobook and eBook. The paperback book is on Amazon and the audiobook format is on Audible (no $5 discount available). The eBook format is available for $5 off for those who are signed up for the Challenge. You will receive a link for $5 off the eBook after signup.
It’s also recommended that before the Challenge starts you write down the specific challenges you’re currently experiencing in your business (not enough clients/money, feeling overwhelmed with all the daily tasks, needing to launch the business but you’re procrastinating, etc.). Having that list will guide you to pay extra special attention on the days those topics arise (refer to book chapters to see what days contain each issue).
A. Email your 30-Day Challenge receipt to: and you’ll be sent a link to get your $5 off the eBook!
A. Yes, you’ll need the book and here’s why: this is a book club–but on steroids! You and your fellow pet business owners from all over the world will be reading the same chapter, on the same day, and taking actions together. Having the specific actions in front of you that are outlined in the book and doing the tasks on specific days with your pet business peers creates accountability, focus and power.
If you follow the steps outlined in the book, watch the Facebook videos and Facebook LIVEs, and get a business buddy like the challenge recommends– you should see a BIG difference in your mindset and your pet business by the end of the 30-Day Challenge.
A. Even if you’ve had your business for many years you’ll nearly always find daily actions you can take or ways of refining your pet business. There are many attending the Challenge who have had their businesses for decades and are ready to uplevel their existing business just like you, so you won’t be alone!
A. Some who are attending the Challenge will find they can’t do every single action step every day and that’s okay! (This is especially true with those who have small children or still have a full-time job.) The beauty of this Challenge is that even if you don’t complete every single task (or some days even most of the tasks), you’ll still accomplish a lot more than you ever thought possible – because of the accountability, the group support and the container of the Facebook group and the 30-day period of time.
A. When the Challenge ends after 30 days, the Facebook group will be archived – which means it will still be private and you’ll be able to read all the prior posts, watch the videos, etc. You simply won’t be able to post in that group after February 28, 2023. However, all who participated in the Challenge can join the other Facebook group that’s only for readers of the 30 Day book. A link to join that group will be posted in the Challenge Facebook group before it’s archived. When the Challenge is over, your group members will be continuing the conversation and connection in that other Facebook group and you can too!
A. If you haven’t received an invitation to the 30-Day Challenge Facebook group, please email your receipt to this email address so we can get you in! Email to send receipt to:
PURCHASE 30-Day Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Business Challenge: $147
HURRY! The doors close on January 30 2023.